Castel del Monte: tourist guide to the castle of Puglia – how to reach it, info about guided tours, shuttle and parking

Costruito attorno al 1240 (quindi, in periodo medievale), il castello voluto dall’imperatore Svevo Federico II è oggi patrimonio dell’umanità UNESCO apprezzato in tutto il mondo, protagonista anche di eventi eslcusivi, cinematografici e televisivi è visitato ogni anno da migliaia di turisti provenienti non solo dai paesi europei ma anche dal continente americano ed asiatico. L’enorme flusso turistisco – che negli ultimi anni ha visto un notevole aumento – ha permesso alle strutture d’accoglienza turistica il consolidarsi delle proprie attività, con l’ampliamento di una vasta gamma di offerte per i visitatori. Anzitutto, occorre ricordare dove è ubicato Castel del Monte:

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The castle is located in the homonymous hamlet of the city of Andria , the co-capital city of the Province of Barletta-Andria-Trani (BAT or BT) where the mortal remains of two wives of Frederick II are also located: Isabella of England and Jolanda of Brienne . A few kilometers away from the castle and from Andria, we also find the city of Barletta (with its castle and the large statue of Heraclius ); Trani (with its monastery and its splendid Cathedral on the sea) but also Corato (in the Province of Bari); Margherita di Savoia (with its fascinating largest salt marshes in Europe and the thermal baths);Bisceglie (another seaside town rich in typical products and places of tourist interest); Molfetta (bordering with Bisceglie); Canosa di Puglia (very rich in important archaeological remains and museums with artifacts dating back to the Greco-Roman era and even more ancient!); Spinazzola , Poggiorsini (the Garagnone castle is in this area) and Minervino Murge (defined as ” the balcony of Puglia “, an extraordinary town of landscape-historical-cultural interest). We are in Alta Murgia , an area of ​​rural and natural interest close to Basilicata, where there is the millenary city of Matera , the lakes of Monticchio and Monte Vulture (visible from the Castel del Monte area). To reach the Frederick, coming from the town of Andria , you must first take via Castel del Monte and then continue along the Strada Statale 170 . Once in the locality, it will be necessary to take advantage of a parking service :

How to reach Castel del Monte from Andria + info on parking and shuttle – here is the useful information :

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Parking your car, motorbike, camper or private bus in an equipped and authorized tourist area is important since Castel del Monte is located in the Alta Murgia National Park , a natural area protected by the State within which no “improvised” parking is provided. To this are added important landscape and protection constraints introduced some time ago by the Ministry of Culture and road rules that effectively prevent parking along state road 170 or the neighboring streets. As you can read on the website of the Municipality of Andria, Castel del Monte can be reached from the city by means of the urban bus n ° 6 which, starting from the Bus Terminal (Largo Ceruti ), arrives at the Castle. The service is active only from April 1st to November 2nd (from November 3rd only on Saturdays and Sundays ). For this reason, it is important to use one of the car parks offered in the area. If you want to reach Castel del Monte with your own vehicle, it is important to use authorized structures for parking private vehicles. Among the larger ones, we find the parking lot of the Tourist Reception Center (info on ) which, in addition to providing a monitored and video surveillance area , also offers a bar , camper area with hookups , toilets . and a connected restaurant business (info on ). From the same parking lot it is possible to pick up this, then, you can add the possible tour guide service:

Castel del Monte – infopoint and tourist guide :

As in other Apulian towns, in fact, Castel del Monte also has a real “army” of professional tourist guides. Often, once you reach the Castel del Monte area , you can meet some of these professionals. An infopoint has long been introduced near Castel del Monte, before the avenue . Even inside the castle (at the ticket office ) it is possible to request information to obtain an authorized tour guide service. To avoid misunderstandings and to guarantee the quality of an important information service, it is always necessary to use the service offered by professional tour guides with a regular license issued byPuglia Region , such as those offered by the DIVINAPULIA association (info on ). Finally, we have created an interactive map for you (from Google maps) with directions to reach Castel del Monte and the tourist accommodation facilities located nearby:

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