Castel del Monte in a French documentary: Tf1 indicates Andria locality of Frederick’s manor – video

“A treasure of geology and architecture” – this is how the Alta Murgia is described in a short but fascinating documentary released online by Tf1 :

The well-known television channel – first in terms of ratings in France – has in fact dedicated a short but intense journey to the fossil footprints of dinosaurs in the popular Altamura quarry , then indicating the territorial position of Castel del Monte : also in this new case, justice is being served in Andria which has always hosted the Frederick manor in its territory. The beginning of the television analysis is also briefly dedicated to the historic Murgese horse breed and to some spectacular shots of the Pulo of Altamura . To explain in detail the phenomenon of fossil footprints and the characteristics of Castel del Monte were respectively a paleontologist and a tourist guide of our territory. Once again, therefore, Northern Europe confirms the great interest in a land that should always be appreciated – and protected – also by its inhabitants. In this regard, we report below the link to the video spread on the web:

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