Puglia: Sylvester Stallone received the honorary citizenship of Gioia del Colle...

Hollywood star Sylvester Stallone and his brother Frank , a well-known musician, actor and songwriter, are honorary citizens of Gioia del Colle . The...

Castel del Monte and the legend of the underground: check a...

VideoAndria.com - also through the collaboration of the researcher Nicola Montepulciano - has spoken about the legendary underground areas of Castel del Monte on...

Select In the Bat there is a submerged city linked to...

The demonstration, yet another, that an ancient history - all to be reconstructed - in the marine waters of Margherita di Savoia is confirmed...

Astronomy in Castel del Monte, did Federico II know how to...

Faced with the natural spectacle of the recent astronomical event , many have fantasized witnessing the magic of some artistic works spread on the...

Between Bisceglie and Bari there are many dinosaur footprints but they...

Findings of dinosaur footprints are increasing along the coast of Bari and in the immediate hinterland. To confirm this, the PugliaReporter.com blog has...

Carnivorous dinosaurs in Bari, video of the fossil footprints on the...

Those reported in the summer of 2023 along the coast of Santo Spirito (in Bari ) represent only a part of the numerous fossil...

Who “re-evaluated” Castel del Monte after Federico’s period? The history of...

Castel del Monte did not have an easy life after Federico 's death : with the end of the medieval period and after the...

Castel del Monte in a French documentary: Tf1 indicates Andria locality...

"A treasure of geology and architecture" - this is how the Alta Murgia is described in a short but fascinating documentary released online by...

Andria and the ancient cult of the Annunziata: the mystery of...

Today is the Feast of the Annunziata (religious event that commemorates the apparition of the Archangel Gabriel to the Madonna for the announcement of...

Andria: the mystery of the nymphaeum and the cave of roses...

What the VideoAndria.com blog is about to show you below is not a simple video but the result of a long voluntary study work...